'I apologise! That's right! ME ME ME ME ME!'

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We all know him.

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Yes. Lorne Michaels (Canada) in 2004.

From Wikipedia:

The Mark Twain Prize for American Humor is an American award for humor awarded by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts annually since 1998. It is named after the 19th century novelist, essayist and humorist Mark Twain and is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to American humor.

So a furriner getting it is gonna be unusual. Maybe someday Trevor Noah?

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I worry a little bit that we are not moving past racism, just moving past its more egregious "badges and incidents." While it's great that this moronic asshole gets served a buncha mariachi-toned irony on a cucaracha plate, I worry that many people [white like me; in skin tone if not attitude] just keep it a little bit quieter, and just let their subtle bias run them without hindrance or accountability.

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Cool! You mean I can continue to not watch a sportsball type and it counts as boycotting! I'm in! I've always been in!

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Maybe this guy should move to Israel. Except there, he'd have to deal with Palestinians.

Why, it's almost as if the world were not made to suit him!

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Wonderbitch, I believe you have the rewrite of the faithless and hollow apology pretty much accurate. I think the loss of money should have been stressed much,much more because everyone knows that nothing is more important to the upper echelons of the right wing than money.

Guns are okay as a primary concern for the cultists. Banning abortion is okay for the dupes. But money is the first and foremost value the upper class Republicans possess, way more important than lording over the poors and the browns.

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Yeah, only white people are racist.

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See Trumps? You can be born filthy fucking rich and still be amazingly good at things other than being an asshole.

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Fuck the NFL. Why can't they have an Adam Silver like the NBA?

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Sounds pretty real to me.

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"Sorry if anybody was offended" doesn't carry a lot of weight under the circumstances.

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I'm sorry to hear that

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I’m sorry. That wasn’t me. It was the cocaine and the racism.

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Pulling out my oh-so-useful meme: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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How soon till he gets his own show on FOX News?

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