That's actually not a bad observation. I might change that to <i>...be like at a</i>n especially stupid<i> Klan meeting</i>, but I'd be repeating myself.

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we have always been at war with East MSM

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in all fairness, he did say that Huffpoo sucked

(until he wussied out and claimed he didn't- apparently Arianna threatened to cut off his sideboob fix if he didn't play ball)

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breathtaking, ain't it?

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This story must be made up, because otherwise it would have also mentioned Jayson Blair.

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he was drunk

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She failed to fellate him appropriately in <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/526254\/shockerscandalbreakingandwhatnot-dc-rep-eleanor-holmes-norton-asks-someone-for-money" target="_blank">this story</a>, I'm guessing.

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Why are we reporting on a column that's over two years old?

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The lower the better.

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I asked for a pony, and all I get is this lousy website? Thanks for nothing, OBAMA!


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♫"My bonee lies* over the ocean"♪♫

*(on the pages of the NYT)

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i always preferred the rule attributed to Alice Roosevelt Longworth: "If you can't say anything nice about somebody, come over and sit next to me."

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I ask this in all seriousness; who the fuck is Aaron Sorkin? Not a blogger, apparently?

And, I have found that I don't require the services of a corrupt and degenerate corporate editorial staff to assist me in discerning good journalism.

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I have hard time passing any bar.

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<i>When The Times or The Journal get it wrong they have a lot of people to answer to. </i>

Boy howdy <i>do</i> they. And with all that "wrong" on the books, they had better get started making amends damn soon if they want any chance to tip their karma before New York city is literally under water.

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Newsroom? That one clip from the pilot wasn't bad...

My Mother taught me not to say anything else about stuff like this.

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