she's been blessedly silent recently hasn't she?

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bamz can have gay sex with the last shreds of john boehner's authority on a bed of ivory billed woodpecker feathers.

don't care.

mittens still isn't president. and never will be.

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Fox went on to predict that this news is sure to guarantee a Romney victory last November 6.

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"[I]n a hastily scheduled news conference" = they didn't call me until ten minutes before it started, I had to race over through Godawful traffic, and somebody's gotta pay.

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He wont unless he finds that any of the golfers used Bengay liniment.

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Whenever I feel bad about being an unemployed moocher, I think of "news" "correspondents" such as the one who wrote this hatchet job (there's no byline on the ABC site) and I'm grateful that today I didn't have to root around in the very bottom of the cesspool for critical things to say in a "news" story...

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WADR, doesn't sound like Titcomb got the sexy time part. Since he was stung.

But the details are not completely clear. Another Banghazy debacle?

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Or just Koch.

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Ha ha...once this hits the mainstream, there's no way Obummer will win re-election.

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It's a good thing the media has a liberal bias, or ABC might have reported something really useless.

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So, Titcomb had it hot for teacher?

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Who did Mr. Titcomb solicit: Griselda Fishfinger?

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