Or loses an election. Or dies. Or gets sick and then they all tell themselves that he was actually poisoned by the "deep state"

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Yep. Obama also unfortunately let himself be influenced heavily by the vestigial Clinton neoliberal machinery. But he kept expecting Republicans to be nice and make concessions to pass much needed legislative initiatives that served more than their monied masters. lol what a rube.

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Sweet of him. My relations are Palestinian, so they fall somewhere between "Levantine" and not actually existing, I think.

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ICE probably has access to the school district database, so you really dont want to register names or locations there. That makes planning effective help complicated.

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Uhm, they forgot an alternative rational decision: Crime.

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"most of us are not the worst of us" I like that.

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Meanwhile, George Soros funded organizations are hard at work in Central America, coaching these "families" on precisely how to take advantage of the loopholes in our asylum system. Did you miss the part of the article that says they come with "paperwork" in hand attesting to them being targeted by gangs? Or that they used to see 100 families claim asylum in a year and now its 10's of thousands? They no longer even try to sneak in here- they just turn themselves in and are immeditely released. That's why the targeting at the border. Jesus.

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Even if you get your indictment by some miracle, all that will happen is that Trump (speak his name) unzips his fly and urinates all over Muller, pardons himself and everybody else, and then laughs as you go nuts. And when you take to the streets, his armed supporters will meet you there...

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Yes, it stands to reason that if we keep allowing every shithole country to dump its residents into ours, that eventually WE become the shithole. Thats why ICE...

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And then they'll form the nucleus of an American Freikorps who will meet Antifa in the street and root out the rest of you commies while you sleep.

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It doesn't feel pessimistic to me, I'm just stating the apparent facts. It takes 2/3 of the Senate to remove, and if the 25th Amendment were to be invoked, it probably would have been already. If Pence is removed first, he will be replaced by someone else just as vile. If not, he'll replace Trump, and if he is removed subsequent to that, vile person #2 will ascend. I don't see a scenario in which both Trump and Pence are simultaneously frogmarched from the White House and replaced by Speaker Pelosi. But perhaps something can eventually be done about the glaring holes in our Constitution that have been exposed by all of this.

EDIT: And in the meantime, we can all certainly bask in all of the other juicy indictments yet to come.

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i'm lily white and my last name is jones and my mom is naturalized.

i really would love to fight this fight.

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Which McConnell made perfectly clear when he stated before a bank of cameras that their #1 goal was to make him a one-term president. Obama should have taken him at his word, notwithstanding the fact that McConnell's word ain't worth shit.

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i don't think this can stand - certainly for anyone who got benefits before this benighted policy is put in place. if it is.

i have spent the last 5 years helping folk get ACA coverage. many many were LPRs (the IL navigator delegation has been instrumental in fixing the problems with how the ACA handled LPRs). i assured many of those folks that no harm would come to them by signing up. i will be revolted if that is inaccurate.

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R's do not believe in governing. They believe in wealth and power.

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