So it’s not enough that pregnant women are expected to suffer and die for the sake of the sacred fetuses, now people who aren’t pregnant, and may even be incapable of pregnancy, are expected to suffer for the sake of imaginary fetuses. I’m sure that this will make the forced birthers even more popular than they already are.

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Look, unripe papayas are an abortifacient. Both Texas and Florida are major producers of papayas, and have draconian abortion laws. Maybe we could do them a favor by dumping agent orange and other proven defoliants on the incredibly immoral areas of the states where those devil-fruits grow? What's a little cancer among your already-born children compared to the possibility of a few induced miscarriages? How could they object to the army helping them enforce their laws?

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I never liked papaya, but now that I know they are the fruits the devil I am strangely interested.

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Yeah that air ambulance is paid for by all of us. Less than one percent of those charges get paid by the user,

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Oh I think a lot of Republican voting women are going to vote for Democrats because of this. Kansas is just the first. Polls are meaningless, because of the Bradley effect. A lot of Republicans women won’t admit it to anyone, especially their rwnj husbands, but they are PO’d and they know it’s Republicans doing it to them.

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A lot of them are private now. And it's one of the things that push people into Medical Debt.eg https://www.nbcbayarea.com/...

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I don't think it's true in the US. They can recommend OTC things, but that's about it. I believe that if they notice that, for instance, a patient has conflicting meds that might have been prescribed by different docs, the pharmacist can question it. I think that in that case the question goes to the prescribing doc(s). AFAIK.

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I am very relieved that a friend and a relative who suffer from RA, both live in NY State, where we aren't endangering the health of people...oh, pardon me, it's only women...by denying them necessary medication.Nobody is telling the men, for example, that taking Methotrexate within 90 days of trying to conceive a child, can damage sperm and cause birth defects, because The Pretend To Be Pro Life People don't really give a rat's ass about those BAYBEEZ, and if a child is born with severe birth defects, it's all roses, because at least it wasn't aborted.

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Reminds me of when the FDA tried to say that any woman of childbearing age should just not drink alcohol, due to the risk of birth defects. Even if she wasn't trying to get pregnant. Even if she was on a long acting birth control method.

Now women of child bearing age should just not take any medication, ever.

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What is required to show the pharmacy a diagnosis code to verify whatever condition isn’t a pregnancy? Is it just something they can scribble on the Rx, or put in the special instructions area of the order? Is there such a thing as a standardized diagnosis code or will that be a no ‘bortions-state specific thing?

I think it’s still redundant either way, because a motivated anti-abortion pharmacist is still capable of saying they question the truthfulness of whatever prescriber, and then saying they refuse to fill all prescriptions coming from their office. They often do this when they discover they’ve found a candyman pain pill prescriber, and then alert the state. They can track controlled substances with state records that are doctor-accessible. That means they could start putting these other meds on those tracking lists, in case people get meds from multiple sources or if there’s a doctor that prescribes them more often than others.

Healthcare for women is on the chopping block. You can’t have a special class of citizen based only upon their reproductive ability that’s then beholden to government oversight of their bodies, and not have every aspect of their healthcare, and also their movements of those bodies, tracked and controlled. They can’t be separated.

My mom had big trouble getting her normal Lupus Rx for hydroxychloroquine during the start of the pandemic. Her doctor was suddenly of the opinion that he wasn’t going to prescribe that because they might need it for Covid (yes, it’s practically malpractice). She rationed what she had for as long as she could. Eventually she was able to get the med routine back on track, but along the way she was obviously beholden to people with control over her medical decisions having shit poor judgement and marginalizing how much damage and pain they are causing.

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without official proof that it is not for an abortion.

How do you prove such a thing?

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It’s not the insanity that’s the problem. It’s the type of insanity that’s the problem.

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Pee on a stick while in line?

Ironically, when I'm waiting at my local CVS (yeah, my stupid insurance), the aisle I'm usually stood in is the one that sells condoms and vibrators.

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“I could feel very smug and satisfied talking about this, delighting in the idea of these selfish bastards "facing consequences" for opposing abortion, but I guess I'm just not that much of an asshole.“ You are a better person than I am. If they are the people that supported and enabled the assholes that passed those laws, or they are the assholes themselves, then my response is, “Suck it up motherfuckers! You have fucked around, now enjoy phase II.”

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