Can you connect your tablet to the phone's network? If so, that network can broadcast to your tablet regardless of whether you're connected. In this case, your tablet is communicating with the local towers as long as it is on. Your phone does the same thing.

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Nada. And Wifi and BT were off on both it and my phone.

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Anyone still on FB…I cant even….

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to quote Larry Niven's "World out of Time" from 1976


doesn't sound like science fiction anymore, does it?

also, Data Broker/Shadow Broker, I'm feeling a sudden Mass Effect here.

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Location data aren't medical records. Agree that location data should be more protected than they currently are.

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We should mention that the libs could use location data to develop a list of gun owners... That should help.

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She's suffered enough and under the Fortenberry rule is nearly too old for prison.

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I don't believe people that are championing this crap knows what they are getting themselves into, wait until they find out we can tell the world what Karma Sutra they were into, HOOLLEEE SHEEEET PAA, WEE FUUUCKED!!

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You can plea MERCY all you want, she’s not coming to bail you out.

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What, she forgot the safe word?

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I like the cut of your jib, comrade!

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It is conceivable that the alerts are formatted in such a way that they bypass everything and are automatically announced. Not sure if that makes you sleep any better....

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Make sure you buy pregnancy tests with cash.

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Think about her future.

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Taken from prison in a bodybag as a dead old woman?

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Data broker/information vulture bottomfeeders should be legislated and sued into oblivion.

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