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I remain ... thunderstruck often as to how some of these people think (or don't).

How do they believe these things work?

Do they dress themselves? How do they get out of bed in the morning?

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I love that so hard.

Also, the comments are LOLarious

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Dog outer? You out dogs? I didn’t know they could be outed…. 😛

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Most male dogs I've known out themselves. They're usually leg men. :-)

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It was never even about protecting the unborn. These bastards don't give a stuff about protecting the unborn, or the born. Their crazy legislation (and it doesn't get much crazier than that Ohio bill, HB143, sponsored by reps. Candice Heller and Ron Hood, two people I hope will be ridiculed and despised for the rest of their natural lives) is about intimidating women and doctors.

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Yepth, if it was about protecting the unborn then Medicare would have been extended to all pregnant people. Money would be spent on making sure the mother to be was well fed. Single mothers would be supported with generous welfare benefits to ensure that they were healthy.

But that never happened, nor was it ever thought about by the right.

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No, he's about to learn what it feels like to be kicked by a horse.

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All those wiggles! Now my puppies are jealous, they want to ride the doggy bus to wherever those doggies are going.

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Do you have an instant pot and/or slow cooker? Those are excellent for making homemade stock.

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Give the republicans time and I’m sure they’ll take away women’s rights to jobs like that as well, if we can’t be trusted with our own bodies we certainly can’t be trusted with any *real jobs.

*high paying jobs formerly done primarily by men.

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Make the shithole states on that map a nice deep brown color.

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And your fellow citizens rewarded the republicans with a House majority...

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No. This was a pot I use for steaming veggies. Lid has no hole in it and fits right on. Don't have problems with boiling water for half an hour.

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In many cases when women entered the workforce they got paid less than men for the same job, even when they performed better, so even though women were paid less "conservative" men thought the women were getting an unfair underpaid "advantage".

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When Dad was about four years old, he got the idea that the milkman's horse would enjoy playing cowboy with him and his cap pistol.That turned out not to be true.

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