<b>“Now look, It’s all HER fault”</b> <a href="http://pumapac.org/2012/10/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://pumapac.org/2012/10/15/now-look-its-all-he...">http://pumapac.org/2012/10/...

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This is remarkably similar to "Fast & Furious" - the scandal blown out of the water by the Fortune Magazine.

"Contrary To Right-Wing Media Claims, Report Confirms Anti-Islam Video Was Catalyst For Libya Attack" <a href="http://www.mediamatters.org..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.mediamatters.org/research/2012/10/16/c...">http://www.mediamatters.org...

A difficult, complex, dangerous series of events takes place very quickly. President Obama does his level best to get it right, to tell the American people and the rest of the world what happened in a calm, reasoned manner based on what is known at the time.

While suggesting we reserve judgment until the facts are in, of course.

Heck, it's not like we just hauled off and invaded the wrong country...

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Needz moar nazism.

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Convicted felon Col. Ollie North - who said President Reagan know all about it, while Nancy Reagan says he didn't.

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I honestly wonder if anyone other than the neocons really cares about this Libya thing. The "undecideds" can't find it on a map, or even pronounce it.

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Another chemical joke <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpTzawl3OmI">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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Can you imagine cohabitating with Rubin? Or being her sister?

So much venom...

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<i>Isn’t it really interesting and fun how Republicans become concerned about the well-being of feminism as a social and cultural force when it hurts Democrats?</i>

Silly libtards. Doncha now that all repug problems with women are counterbalanced by Ann Romney and how dreamy Paul Ryan is?

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i really hope this can get said in the debates - somehow - cause this whole line of repub attack is seriously making me sick.

romney dude on npr this AM was a total talking point tool (though for once steve inskeep was pretty effective).

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El Rushbo was having an orgasm of nostalgia the other day, remembering all the things he and his ditto-heads hate about Hillz. They hate powerful women. They hate powerful black people.

What don't they hate?

Oh, right: guns. They love their guns.

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where are PUMAs when you need them to kick jennifer rubin in the nuts?

with votes.

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It's gratifying to observe that noted goat-fellator Mickey Kaus was wrong (again!) in his speculation the other day that Hilz wouldn't take the fall for this because it might hurt her chances in 2016.

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How many do you suppose she has?

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Clinton-Rubin cage match, NOW!

Then we can be rid of the shameless shill for good - Hillary would eat her face off.

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