Was in the bathtub with Jim Morrison, too.

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Inverse ratio?

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"Spooky action at a distance". Now verified.

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Bob Dole blames Bob Dole.

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Turns out Bill was also in Lakehurst when the Hindenburg went up in flames

oh wait, that was his career

"Oh, the huge Hannity!"

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Gotta love this defense of Billo from the NYT comments: "While Mr. O'Rielly might have stretched the truth by claiming that he was in a "war zone", the fact of the matter is that this event occurred 30 years ago and it did not involve America, nor were any Americans killed during the conflict."

Well, OK then.

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"Shadowy" is Billoese for "I was too lazy to investigate his background."

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I said I was there, I wasn't there - you can't explain that.

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A young reporter named Bill O'Reilly had with difficulty made his way to the Reich Chancellery in Berlin on the afternoon of April 30, 1945 in order to get an interview with anyone still left in the tottering German government. He was standing in the garden in the rear of the building near a doorway leading to a massively reinforced underground bunker when he heard the ringing sound of a pistol shot that seemed to echo up from one of the chambers deep within the subterranean complex on the other side of the door... -- excerpted from the soon-to-be published book, Killing Hitler by Bill O'Reilly

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I like the way you think. Imagine what it must be like to be in the presence of Ailes. I'm picturing the love child of Jabba the Hut and Doctor Strangelove, with flies buzzing around, fiercely seeking the the source of that intoxicating scent of rancid dog poo and mendacity.

Last night, Rachel Madow read Fox's response to her team's request for a statement about O'Reilly's lies about the suicide and his claim to have witnessed nuns being murdered during the El Salvador war.

Fox said that they are not going to respond to leftist attacks on O'Reilly, and the matter is closed. It'll work, too. The world will move on in a day or two, and they'll go back to shrieking about the lamestream media's dishonesty. O'Reilly will continue to call himself a journalist and a historian.

Fox is a cynical thing, more contemptuous of their own audience than they are of anything else.

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It actually gets better than that. Billo the Himself actually explained it all, saying that when he got to El Salvador a year after the nuns were murdered, he was shown pictures of the crime.

Since I have seen pictures of the Bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, I've started telling people I narrowly survived a nuclear war, and boy you don't want to be in one of those.

Have to go now. i think I hear Fox knocking on my door with a job offer.

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Suuuuure you can. If you're on Fox News, you can say any lame, dishonest thing that comes to mind. Say you were floating over the scene on the wings of a butterfly if you like. Fox won't care.

The only important thing is that you continue to follow the script and do your bit to assist the conservative movement. If you do that, they'll back you up, as they did last night when Fox responded to all the requests for a statement about this by saying it was just another leftist smear and they consider the matter closed.

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Sorry, dude. That only occurs in one of those parallel universes where a lot of people have critical thinking skills and the TV news media is more than either a craven entertainment machine or a political tool.

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O'Reilly has explained that when he arrived in El Salvador a year after the nuns were murdered, he was shown pictures of the crime.


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