Hopefully... (in Keith Olbermann voice)... to the big house!

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Obama-Biden put into effect new campus rules that made it impossible for anyone accused of sexual.assault to defend themselves. The same due process and presumption of innocence that Biden uses to jettison Tara Reade's claim he took away from 18 year old kids. You were not even allowed to question your accuser. Betsy Devos is horrible across the board but she was right to fix this.

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Yeah. That last thing.

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It's not about the youngz, it's. about the oldz. This is grievance politics, pure and simple. And of course the anti-abortion types hate women controlling their own bodies, so why should they be able to say no, huh? If you went to that frat party you were just asking for it.

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Had a very eye-opening argument with a friend this weekend, he said his (VERY mildly, 30-year-old,Asburger's son) is afraid to have sex with women for fear they'll cry rape.When I told him that's really not a thing he wanted to argue about it. I pointed out that one of my nephews, who is much more on the spectrum than his son, would not dream of making a pass at anyone unless he was sure it would be welcome, his response was to insult my nephew.Finally I told him that if this is such a fear for his son he needs to go to his local public library, and tell the reference librarian his son's concerns. She (or he) will send him off with at least 3 solid leads of where his son can go for help. Asshole.

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Told my son about it when he called for Mother's Day. His response: "Are you fucking kidding me?" <3

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And where would mildly Asperger-y son have ever gotten an idea that something like that would or could happen, HM? Someone needs to start signing the son up to receive information on Enthusiastic Consent, and hope the damage isn't already too ingrained.

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Happy weekend, Daniel.

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Jim Jordan will... oh, wait...

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I think they could accurately just change that to "Breaking Wind" ever single time,

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She and her relatives are all über-religious too, hence...

"DeVos’ Proposed New Rules Would Allow Religion-Based Discrimination By Student Groups"https://www.forbes.com/site...

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But the captioning always reads "motor"- oops!

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The Motaur City?

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At least I assume he doesn't think it's between Illinois and Ohio, on the other hand...

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That's why their films are so danged long!

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Perhaps she should take Trump's ideas and try a cleansing lotion of hydroxychloroquine and bleach.

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