Think on the type of person who'd want to do this work. That's who they hired.

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I never thought that "winning" could make me so sad and furious at the same time.

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I remember the 1960's/70's when RWNJ's of that era had stickers saying "Support Your Local Police-And Keep Them Independent" as a reaction to enforcement of civil rights laws. DHS having its own federales is exactly what they feared.

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After this silly post of mine I thought, "Hey, what are the gang apparel associated with MS-13?" Wiki doesn't mention any. Weird. They're apparently mostly distinguished by their tattoos. Which this kid didn't have. It's almost like ICE just made this shit up.

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The universal symbol for "Asshole."

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detention center, concentration camp - tomayto, tomahto

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"we hope you will agree that it is cruel and inhumane to separate a parent from her child and immediately bring a stop to this practice."

I have this sinking feeling that ICE's response will be, "We agree that the practice is cruel and inhumane, and that's why we will continue it."

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This comes to mind, only Nunberg is no Daniel Craig. Or James Bond. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The new cruelty is also the new stupidity, apparently.Who reported him flipping a double bird ?A concerned neighbor ?No, probably his TEACHER.

" The Teacher says 'Hello,' " - Child soldier, from the film the interpreterOk, I realize that's an unfair assumption i.e don't slag Teachers, but I'm just wondering how ICE 1) Received that information 2) Had proof kid flipped double bird, which last timeI checked, was not a gang signal or even a crime. Video camera in school hallway ?

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ACLU: We hope you will agree that it is cruel and inhumane to separate a parent from her child.

ICE: Well, yeah. That's the point.

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You have to go to "The Beat with Ari Melber" and find that nuclear meltdown when you are up to it. I will not link you to it.

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They’ll go to Canada instead. Or from Africa, the EU. It’s not like you’re the only country in the world.

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