Remember how the Repubilecans barked about how immense the ACA was? They did a little dog and pony show of carting the entire printed thing around on handtrucks? SO BIG, SO COMPLEX!!1

But adding bullshit useless boilerplate that simply echoes what has already been accomplished is AOK just fine, perfect use of Government Resources!

You're a special little snowflake, yes you are! Who gets his way? Who? That's right, widdle kingy wingy Republican gets his way, good boy! Here's a Koch to fellate.

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My former boss's eyes?

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Our Benighted Act Mandating A Comprehensive Authority to Redistribute Everything

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No tribute to Barbary pirates!

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See Bush, Prescott.

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Come on, ACORN was what? Eleventy scandals ago? Shouldn't they be defunding embassy security again to protest Benghazi?

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Generalissimo Francisco Franco?

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His Venerable and Most Excellent Reverence, St. George Carlin?

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So is this like “ceremonial deism" to SCOTUS, where it's just crap we say because we've always said it? Sorry, Jeebus ....

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Define "successor". Would that be like the "Glenn Miller Orchestra" that is presently touring Europe and does not contain its defunked founder, or would that be like Bachman-Turner Overdrive, which name is owned by neither Randy Bachman or C. F. Turner?

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The Norwegian Blue? It's just resting.

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These <a href="https:\/\/www.thedoors.com\/" target="_blank">guys </a>are still awesome too, even though half of them are, uh, <i>defunct.</i>

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“None of the funds made available under this or any other Act, or any prior Appropriations Act..." Seems you'd only need to say it once.. but the GOPtards suffer from a serious case of OCD when it comes to evil liebrul schemes.

Also, no clause to the effect that the funds can't go to Nazis? I'm with SuspectedDemocrat on this: Why do they love Nazis so much???!?!!!

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Also Adolf's sister-in-law, Bridget Hitler, formerly of Liverpool, England.

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