Almost any site featuring the story will have the cryers commenting on it. I&#039;m amazed at how even so-called liberal media sites will have flocks of &#039;wingers swamping the comments sections. And you can tell the &#039;liberal&#039; sites from the patriotic ones because this story will not have the typical lede <b>Gaystapo Kills Another State.</b>
Snark off: While this is awesome news, I sincerely wonder how the LDS will behave. Because this was a Federal Court ruling, I won&#039;t be surprised if an injunction arrives on Monday.
Regardless, I sincerely hope I get to witness a similar court decision in Texas. I would equally enjoy watching Rick &quot;Goatfucker&quot; Perry and Anita shit their respective pants over legalized marriage for same-sex partners in Texas.
I&#039;m enjoying imagining the way this whole thing was supposed to go down: RWNJs pass law, knowing it will go to court; RWNJs expect House to have their backs and block all Obama appointees; RWNJs expect court to rule HELLS YEAH YOU CAN DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THE GHEYS; court rules. RWNJs lose their shit. Big smiles. Big smiles.
Ain&#039;t that the fucking truth. I&#039;m from Texas and we all know that town epitomizes shit-stain gym teachers who are state-sanctioned cops.
Oh they&#039;ve been in the priesthood all along, snugly closeted. A job in a culture that privileges men in every facet of life is bound to be appealing to gay men too. Cf. Catholic priesthood and pretty much all the priesthoods.
Lived in Salt Lake City -- beautiful country, except for the people -- and damned if 99% of the gayz I met didn&#039;t have a babby and an ex-het-spouse in their past. All part of the Church&#039;s &quot;Just shut up and git married, it&#039;ll fix you&quot; program.
The child laborers never hear it over the din of the mills, so it doesn&#039;t matter, but the servants don&#039;t like it when you call them that. Just don&#039;t use that term in front of the butler at dinner.
Almost any site featuring the story will have the cryers commenting on it. I&#039;m amazed at how even so-called liberal media sites will have flocks of &#039;wingers swamping the comments sections. And you can tell the &#039;liberal&#039; sites from the patriotic ones because this story will not have the typical lede <b>Gaystapo Kills Another State.</b>
Well, this guy would know. I was in Seguin once, about thirty years ago. The town was wholly owned by Delco.
Excellent... esp the Cheney underwear.
Snark off: While this is awesome news, I sincerely wonder how the LDS will behave. Because this was a Federal Court ruling, I won&#039;t be surprised if an injunction arrives on Monday.
Regardless, I sincerely hope I get to witness a similar court decision in Texas. I would equally enjoy watching Rick &quot;Goatfucker&quot; Perry and Anita shit their respective pants over legalized marriage for same-sex partners in Texas.
I&#039;m enjoying imagining the way this whole thing was supposed to go down: RWNJs pass law, knowing it will go to court; RWNJs expect House to have their backs and block all Obama appointees; RWNJs expect court to rule HELLS YEAH YOU CAN DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THE GHEYS; court rules. RWNJs lose their shit. Big smiles. Big smiles.
Ain&#039;t that the fucking truth. I&#039;m from Texas and we all know that town epitomizes shit-stain gym teachers who are state-sanctioned cops.
Oh they&#039;ve been in the priesthood all along, snugly closeted. A job in a culture that privileges men in every facet of life is bound to be appealing to gay men too. Cf. Catholic priesthood and pretty much all the priesthoods.
Naw mang, you KNOW they&#039;ll use this and that polygamy decision for their next fundraising snoozeletter.
Lived in Salt Lake City -- beautiful country, except for the people -- and damned if 99% of the gayz I met didn&#039;t have a babby and an ex-het-spouse in their past. All part of the Church&#039;s &quot;Just shut up and git married, it&#039;ll fix you&quot; program.
The child laborers never hear it over the din of the mills, so it doesn&#039;t matter, but the servants don&#039;t like it when you call them that. Just don&#039;t use that term in front of the butler at dinner.
3.) Thou shalt not piss away the national treasury on endless wars and gold-plated weapons systems.
That&#039;s some fine snark-umphalism, Snipy. Well done!
Thank you judge.
&lt;kermitTheFrog&gt; YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &lt;/kermitTheFrog&gt;