as someone who has had their hand more or less up Ms Alba's shirt once (there are rare moments when my job is fun) I can attest that her celebrity breasts aren't that shabby either...

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Burn before watching.

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Yeah, my choice of parents was bad that way too.

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naw, that's been around for some time. it's slightly less bad than being called a fuckwit...

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they can cure that with penicillin...

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You what's sad about that story? "Once"

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You CANNOT facebook the Lord with prayer!!!!

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sadly, it's the only time I've worked w/her. that particular show also had Paula Abdul and Pamela Anderson on it so all in all it was kinda fun...

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At age 10 (age 10!) I stuffed mailboxes and passed out leaflets up and down Grand River Ave. on behalf of the Johnson/Humphrey ticket. At age 14 I met and shook Senator Robt. Kennedy's hand and then later that year I attended a rally featuring Sen. Muskie in support of the Humphrey/Muskie ticket. At age 15 I marched and demonstrated as part of the October Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam. At age 16 I campaigned on behalf of anti-war candidate Charles Goodell, even though he was a Republican. (The first and so far only time!) At age 17 I marched and demonstrated during the 1971 May Day protests. At age 18 I campaigned for George McGovern. Later that year I voted for the first time, commencing a lifelong habit. At age 20 I rallied and lobbied in my state's capital in protest of proposed cuts in the state's support of its public universities. At age 21 I occupied the university administration building for two days. At age 23 I worked on a phone bank making calls on behalf of a local candidate running on a "green" platform. At age 25 I marched and demonstrated as part of the anti-nuclear movement. At age 27 I attended rallies on behalf of Lt. Gov. Mario Cuomo's bid to become Governor. At age 29 after finishing my overnight shift I headed downtown to the State Capitol to march on behalf of workers and the union movement on Labor Day. At age 39 I attended rallies in support of Clinton/Gore.

No Facebook back then.

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UM, I always just write sideways. Or upside down. Don't all leftists do that?

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Jessica Alba's butt, otoh.....

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What if you go into your closet to pray, and tweet about it. HUH, JESUS?

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It's like people never realized you started out two strides closer to first base.

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Oh, he was totally sincere about collecting fees.

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Oh, that should be fun. And perfect timing on the Fourth -- I can't imagine that any firecrackers might go off.

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I've actually checked in from Hell on FB. Fortunately, most of my friends are as irreverent as I am...

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