It's mostly pillow talk.

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He's tweekin' like a motherfucker!

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Holy fuckin' shiteballs!


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JFC! Will someone PLEASE punch that jagoff in the throat!?!?!!???

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too soon dude

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Physician, go fuck thyself.

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My Pillow Testimonial: I have a bulging disc in my C7. It is the big bumpy bone on the back of your neck. It was due to a lifetime of abuse under a hardhat in a chemical plant. My arms would go numb and I would have incredible pain in my upper torso. I could not sleep at night unless I drank myself comatose. I bought that fucking pillow filled with discarded cheese curds and it was enough to keep the disc from pinching the nerve and allowed me to sleep during the worst of it. I have moved on to a softer, down sort of pillow that has to be piled up under my neck a certain way, but I can say that it did give me months of sleep in the beginning that would have otherwise evaded me. That said, fuck that guy, because I don't eat no hate chicken from Hate-Fil-A and I won't ever buy another product from Mike Lindell.

To this day, the ONLY way I can sleep is if I look like I have been prepared for a coffin. Arms across my torso, one hand atop the other, flat on my back. Just getting ready for the furnace, I suppose.

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Metzenbaum scissors... and get that cat out of here!!!!!!!

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I read a book called The Heroin Diaries... was that him?

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Frankly I’m all for standing back and letting this whole “take oleander for the fake coronavirus” situation play out amongst the no maskers

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Is it just me, or do others really wish that certain individuals in this administration could be water-boarded to get the REAL truth out of them? Lady G would last like minus five seconds, and we could start there.

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*looks for relevant and snappy comment*. . . *can't find it*

"doh! comments aren't allowed"

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"I don't even know who you are." "You don't have a great reputation." "That's just sad." I love Anderson Cooper.

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Yikes! 😢Wishing you a speedy recovery. 🤞

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