Well, if they don't <i>sing</i> or anything, I might find it watchable.

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Somehow, this won't quite measure up. The crowd of 126 (including media) might be part of the reaon.

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I would not listen if<i> she</i> paid <i>me</i> $97.

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Well, to be fair, that <u>would</u> be news.

It's just dawning on me that there's no escape from this Hell. (I know, I know -- how could I have missed that?)

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Always avoid the "Beens:" Couldabeen, Wouldabeen, & Shouldabeen.

And, as you point out, their cousin Hasbeen.


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Hey...but I'm talking about pigs.

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Any bets on the under/over on illegalsvworking for the tree service? Is there even a question? I wish the lottery was this predictable.

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i'm starting to feel a little less worried about rickie - as the ben bernanke story seems to be getting some traction (marketplace just signed off with a mocking reference).

my boy keeps saying he's not ready for prime time and just wait and watch. but me, i fret.

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Isn't that Ole Newt's first name?

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We know how much the Koch bros. hate the EPA. I'm sure it is a pure coincidence that members of the Koch Ring such as Off-the-Mark Levin rant and rave about how horrible that Federal agency really is. Particularly when it attempts to actually enforce regulations passed during the Administrations of President Bush.

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Actually, it's St. Charles - which makes St. Louis look pretty good.

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Two washed-up never was'z trying to keep a glimmer of the spotlight on them.

They may think they are ready for their close-up - but the director has passed out and the audience lost interest a long, long time ago.

This is sadder than a Republican state representative coming out of the closet when his luggage lifter calls his wife.

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Slight typo in the name - should read "Defrauding the Republic."

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You all laugh, but isn't this exactly what former VP candidate FDR did after losing the 1928 election? Oh, wait...my bad, he actually fought a life-threatening bout of polio and got elected governor of New York.

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He's the opening act.

LtCG story - Back when I lived in Lewiston, ME (it's not hell, but you can see it from there), Larry did a show. It.made.the.front.page.of.the.paper.

I was sore embarrassed.

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Hopefully on the dark side of the moon.

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