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Pretty sure his personality is repellent enough the gun would strictly be an afterthought.

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Wait, WHY must we CHOOSE??

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Maybe when Joe Friday, Pete Malloy and Jim Reed were on the beat? Hell if I know.

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Well the city does reinvent itself every few years. I guess this cycle is appealing to the "warlord in a wasteland" crowd.

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Is there footage out there of Hannity and co defending this wingtard?

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Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic armorer.

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If he's coke-esh he probably shouldn't be playing with a gun.

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Shorter: "I had nothing to do with these two nazi socialist communists killing cops, although I do think people should kill cops"

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Is Bruce Dern still alive?

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Why does he believe the government?

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How did he get to be king? I didn't vote for him.

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In Kokesh's case "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, but they never get to the other stages".

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See, when Ice-T wrote "Cop-Killer", he was a <i>bad</i> person, because blah. But this guy is a patriot.

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<i>...when you have police officers that are going around and doing violent things all day long,...</i>

Somebody, please turn off the TV right now and take Mr. KochMess's remote. He's been watching way too many "crime dramas".

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