at this magnification, it looks like Ryan has a Godwin mustache.

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they are doing the NO STEP ON MAH DISCRIMINATIONS! right now.

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WTF is "indirect contempt"?

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It's pretty fucking awful.

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From that thread, this masterwork:

Men Cause 100% of Unwanted Pregnancies

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I'm not suggesting we become sociopaths like the GOP, but their sociopathy does give them an advantage. They are willing to kill the country if they're not allowed to misrule and plunder it. Our priority is saving the country, so we back down.

It's like some repeating evil Mirror Universe version of that Bible story about King Solomon and the two women who claimed the same baby, in which Mirror King Solomon always gives the baby to the woman who's willing to see it cut in two.

But then, they are the spiritual descendants--and in many, many cases the genetic descendants--of the people who were willing to cut the country in two in 1861.

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This really is a must read.

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Good, because "sexy" victim of serial rape and wrongful imprisonment shouldn't even be a thing. Gross.

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McConnell must go. Maybe on the ground that turtles cannot be members of the United States Congress? If that's not valid I guess there's nothing for it but to retake the Senate for the Dem party.

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And I was giving you a hard time back. I'm not Becky home-ecky, we think it builds up our immune system.

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"We'd feel sorry for them, but that's not how our heart works".Totally stealing this.

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Banana Republic LIBELZ!!1!!11!!!

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True fact: the reference to "a Quisling clinic" in Elvis Costello's "Green Shirt" is based on a building he saw while on tour in Madison, Wisconsin, which was a medical clinic founded by four brothers from Norway, all doctors, who built their clinic in 1933.

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why do I keep reading "Abbe Lowell"as "Abbe Normal"?

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