There's always them Hindus.

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Well if you ran a grocery store, you might find that the food items with semi-literate ugly stickers on them didn't exactly fly off the shelves.

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Too hoppy.

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This does make you think that populating a continent with murderous convicts could have its drawbacks. Sort of like Georgia.

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Brisbane Leathers in this case.

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we'll have to invade Buddhastan

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Cream of Camel- usually found near the toe...

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it appears her brain is on a walkabout...

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This sounds like something that one of the students in my online religion course would have posted. Mind you, they are 16. (some also said that the Jews persecuted Jesus because he was a monotheist, and they had multiple gods. Some people cannot be taught).

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I, for one, am relieved to know America does not completely own all the stupid in the world. Most -- but not all.

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On the other hand, she has mastered the Palinesque art of the plunging neckline. That'll get her a few <strike>women's</strike> dick votes.

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Done and done.

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Giving incorrect information about foodstuffs is probably not considered a good idea in underdeveloped, backward, third-world countries like Australia. Here in the US we don't mind it because everyone is so educated and well-informed that we can make our own judgments.

This is why we have the world's lowest consumption of junk food and never fell for that whole vaccinations-cause-autism scam.

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Last summer on a beach in California I had the pleasure of overhearing a wonderful conversation in which some dude was mansplaining to his girlfriend the difference between Muslims and Islams. I learned a lot by eavesdropping, to wit: some Californians are idiots.

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Throw another Barbie on the barbie.

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A formerly major political party, at any rate.

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