Best idea I've heard in a while. Ditto pink mixers, scarves, and the endless amount of pink crap.

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Prolly more like the NRA: they'll take the money of more-or-less normal people, claiming to support their interests, and then spend it promoting far-right bullshit.

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This probably faulty reasoning. I know a number of Legionnaires and NRA members who are perfectly sane, normal, humans. They have exactly zero influence over the right-wing-nutty national "leadership" of their organizations.

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With a stick?

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Actually, those <i>are</i> small businesses. At least there is one employee. The ones that piss me off are the ones with 200 employees and $50M revenue.

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Chickens and turkeys do, so I suppose, yeah.

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Breast cancer awareness. Meaning what? My sister died of breast cancer before she could become a small business owner. I'm so tired of this shit.

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They are very vague about what this "donation" might be. It might consist of a flaming bag of dog poop for all I know.

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The women I know have all the available vaginal probes they can manage. Sometimes they have to beat them off...no, that doesn't sound right.

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this campaign has made me so fucking sick of 'small business' - and more particularly the hushed reverence with which it is discussed.

a lot of 'small business' is people taking tax deductions to do their job in their house.

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<i>Ed “Life-Begins-at-Conception” Emery</i>

Actually he's doubled down on that. Life now begins with the first pick-up line.

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