The Zelig of South Dakota.

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<snark value="off">I think he IS sweet and adorable. I sent him some $$. He is on the right side, seems comfortable with who he is, and obviously has a sense of humor. </snark>

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Ah yes, the "We boomers aren't going to take responsibility for nothin'" song.

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Needs moar Giles Goat-Boy.

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that was the longest tracking shot since children of men.

still! sending him kisses and $$$.

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Maybe he was wee bit smaller then? Also, don't they go 400 pounds?

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This guy should haven't written his biography first. And then retired. He must be exhausted by now.

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I could only make it to 1:50. Warning: Do not clicky on the video. It's seconds of your life you'll never get back.

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From his girth, I'd say just another Chris Christie wannabe.

He's supported by the American Cheese Fries Council.

He makes Donald Trump look like a babbling idiot.

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