Reminds 'em of their underaged girl-friend.

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Masculine Jesus done put a hole in Bryan Fischer's baby batter bag? Why do I suspect instead, he is violating <strike>re</strike><i>di</i>ctums, leaving no extra shitperson seeds to empoopen his wife's uterus with?

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Or O'Donnell Crotch.

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I have to assume he's got a long-form "My Cock Doesn't Work" certificate with which he can finally prove his reason for not having a third child?

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Sorry to rain non-semen on your parade, but Bry here did say he didn't much approve of bastard kids.

So plan on becoming Mormon, I guess?

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and jail terms. don't forget jail terms.

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And these are the asswads in control of the country now? Jesus wept.

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I got a vasectomy so I wouldn’t accidentally have any kids. I recall what I was like as a child and I didn’t want to subject myself to something like myself. I’m happy to go through the motions but 3 kids ain’t happening.

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I once met a guy who had a booth at the university I was attending and his shtick was that the world was under populated and the entire population of the USA could live comfortably in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I was astounded at his claim and asked what would they do with all the shit these people would produce. He didn’t answer me.

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