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I live in California and have become largely resigned to the high housing costs but I legit gasped at that part. Jesus christ that is insane.

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Here in the SF Bay Area that's the case (established Afghan community). My city (Fremont) solicited donations to help refugees that will settle in the area.

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Canada has accepted and settled over 4,000 Afghanis, mostly "friendlies" (and family)from Canada's Kandahar days. There is pressure to accept even more. There doesn't appear to be much pushback from Canadians, we're all immigrants, obviously except for the indiginous population.

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Cheaper real estate.....

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Ain't no 12k for an apartment.

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My company's receptionist would answer to "Have a nice day" with "Don't tell me what kind of day to have." I know her, she meant it.

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I live in a county that has a population of .7 Wyomings 45 miles NW of Times Square, yet we can't keep more than one Indian restaurants open. Afghan food would be right out, even though I'd be interested in trying it.

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I still resent the paucity of taco trucks, very bitterly.

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That would pay for over a year where I am now.

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And no talk from the GQP about him being 'suddenly presidential' ('cause he already was....)

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A Vietnamese refugee settled in The OC in the '70s and built an empire of donut shops, and helped other Vietnamese refugees along the way. (I only go to shops with pink boxes. You should too.)I see great things in the future.

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Dok, I didn't read the byline, but when I read the line, "(I really am just the worst sentimentalist.)" I knew it was you. We are, in the majority, a generous people, and it is touching to see former refugees, now us, now our countrymen, Americans, being generous in kind.

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mascot for a peanut brand?

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Say what you will about the Olympics. They have some Gooooood ice hockey!


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I have been told by ammosexuals that they need an arsenal of weapons they never clean or take to the range in their house because "you never know."

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