Well, IKEA and Volvo are Swedish brand names and while Volvo is currently owned by the Zhejiang Geely Holding Company (ZGH) my bet is that they have made someone a fair amount of coinage over the years.

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I'm pretty sure it was Ted Cruz's dad, it's on the internet.

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Oh, well I stand corrected.Or Twitter does. Both? Both.

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Anyone who likes The Fall can't be all bad.

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Mikael Akerfeldt incorporated audio from one of Palme's speeches into the song Svekets Prins from Opeth's latest album. They used a video clip of the speech when they played Svekets Prins in concert. I know that because my wife and I saw Opeth in concert in early March, shortly before Trumpvirus shut everything down.

From this sequence of events we can reasonably surmise that Trumpvirus was stolen from a bioweapons lab in China and unleashed here to keep people from watching that video clip during Opeth shows, researching who that guy was, reading about him, and asking questions about his murder.

The conclusion is obvious.

[Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.]

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Maybe let's call them blue hats and red hats?

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Defund Defense!

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Funny- it's one of those things that is illegal in some places but, for example, perfectly ordinary behavior in Seattle.

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Dear headline writer,I kea what you did there.

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When you pull up to the curb on your left, instead of the curb on your right, because the address you want is across the street. (Rather than crossing the street, or driving around another block entirely, or pulling a U-turn.)Clearly, this guy was a threat to (white) residents in the neighborhood.

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And leggy blondes. If he knows of Sweden at all, that's the reason.

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Ah, yes. The multiple Olympic gold-medal winning "Swedish Bikini Team."

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Engstrom being released by police as not being a serious suspect despite his shadiness throughout his questioning is the definition of white male privilege.

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In Britain that's not a thing. We just park wherever. Thanks for telling me!

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Lloyd Smucker ain't no Democrat. He's my Trump toady rep from deep red Lancaster County, PA. Comes from good Anabaptist stock, so the thing that matters most is keeping the wimmen in their place and pregnant. Fuck him twice with a rusty chain saw of votes.

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