but you can't hold them responsible because ... i can't even right now with these asshats

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If you regard him not as divine but as a mortal man with a few flaws like everybody... it's possible to view that flogging-out-the-moneychangers thing as a big tactical blunder. They operated in the outer court of the temple, not in the holy precincts, and what they did was necessary under the superstitions - sorry, the sacred laws - of the time. Roman money carried graven images, and not just any graven images, but faces of the Roman emperors who were blasphemously (by Jewish standards) referred to as divine. Therefore, the Roman coinage had to be converted into temple shekels to buy the doves and lambs offered in sacrifice.Without doubt the money-changers robbed people blind on the exchange rate.Nevertheless, Jesus (if the story is even true) started a disturbance in the temple that could easily have escalated into a riot. That's probably why the temple police didn't arrest him. They didn't dare. If the trouble spread beyond the temple, the Roman garrison might be called out to quell it, and blood would have run in the gutters.The temple police didn't forget, though, and neither did the priests. That was probably when they decided, "This maniac has to go, or what'll he do next? He might really provoke a bloodbath next time."

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One can only pray that the jury is more intelligent than the judge and prosecution.

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1) Oh, look - more proof that the conservative elite thinks their followers are a bunch of idiot yokels nd all they really care about is money and power.

2) Tangential, but I feel the need to say that everyone should read the book Columbine because it's a good case study on how quickly the press will throw out the truth if it gets in the way of an easy dramatic story. Pretty much all the "common knowledge" about Columbine is a manufactured narrative.

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We’re hearing this 20 years too late.

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I once called NRA headquarters. They asked me for my membership number. I objected explaining that if I shouldn’t have to register my firearms why should I have to register MYSELF with the organization? I left a message for Wacky Wayne that if I repeated here would get me banhammered. Blood drenched fascist cretins……

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He does that already. And they love him for it.

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I briefly touched down on an online neighborhood group of late, and somebody went off on cars zooming down their residential streets. I sympathize. They do that on our street, and it’s infuriating.

But instead of the practical approach (group together as a united voice, petition local pols, get speed bumps or a stepped-up police presence), these regular folks are hollering “throw nails in the streets” or “shoot them” or “follow them and puncture their tires.”

It’s all a kabuki dance to wrestle their anxieties. Normally, it would retract back into its tube until the next time it’s needed, but these aren’t normal times. It seems some kabuki dancers have forgotten that they’re dancing.

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but... but... trenchcoat mafia!!

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I thought it was rock’n’roll.

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Marion Hammer gets opinion pieces published in our paper occasionally, like any decent person gives a rat's ass what her opinions are.

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"nuts," "idiots," "fruitcakes," and "hillbillies,"

Takes all kinds of critters to MAKE "MERIKKKA GREAT AGAIN!

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No surprises here.

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Nah, it was that dastardly Matrix movie.

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My favorite Warren song these days is "My Shit's Fucked Up."

Because it is.

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This is why I always back INTO my driveway.

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