Those who are still alive in November, you mean.

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No, they still accuse him/them of that.

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After all the years of stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights because I was out of work, I'm extremely grateful for my job. Yes, I spend about two hours daily on the bus and train to get there and back, and the pay is low. But I'm not among the unemployed, I have Medicare, and I can pay the bills. I want the summer over, because November cannot get here quickly enough.

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We're talking drywalling here, not caterwauling. Where'd you come from? :)

I still have the trowels, both "hoop" and flat. I can look you in the eye and say "My work is on the walls of the Williams College Museum of Art as well as the Clark Art Institute, a world class museum." Both are in Williamstown, Mass. near here.

The Williams deal was the last big job I did before I went back to school. Some dude from "the Clark" came over to see the new construction and hired me to do some work there too. Not a whole new building though. Just some repairs in sensitive areas where no dust could be created by sanding.

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I respect the ability of all trades—even something as “mundane” as taping. I have seen the results of the “anyone can tape, amirite?” phenomenon, and it was Not Beautiful. I always tried to bundle rocking, taping, and painting into a single sub when letting subcontracts. Made life much easier.

Indeed, I can remember university masons reconstructing an elliptical plaster arch at the Memorial Union at the UW. It was a thing to behold.

Mudding, also too. Half the plaster would fall off my hawk, hahaha.

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Terrific film that few seem to know about.

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I don’t think the fine citizens knew what they were getting themselves in for.

All the exteriors for that film were done in the Eugene area. I drive past the snooty fraternity and sorority houses all the time. The Animal House house was knocked down long ago. The filmmakers bought it because it had been condemned, so it was a perfect location.

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at this point it is pretty obvious I have too many comorbidities to work in an office anymore, I need to find a real WFH gig, not the scam ones, I am good on the phone and very tech savvy if anyone knows of one?

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At least you used a hawk in stead of those stupid mud pans.

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Nature doesn’t make chlorinated organic compounds.

Eh, it does, but whether or not it's natural has no bearing on whether it's tasty or safe to eat.

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If Nature makes chlorinated organic compounds, I stand corrected, and I appreciate any correction. Could you please give a couple of examples? Sucralose has been shown to be safe. I was refuting the claim that it’s “made from sugar.”

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Methyl chloride: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi..., https://link.springer.com/c... (probably behind a paywall)

https://pubs.acs.org/doi/ab... (probably just the first page)

Oh yeah, I know sucralose is safe. But it sure isn't tasty. :P Sorry, I encounter a lot of people who assume natural = good and synthetic = bad/omgCHEMICALS!!!111! I need to remember that this isn't Facebook.

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They're still Christians, as much as their less extreme brethren would like to No True Scotsman them away. Just really shitty Christians.

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Thanks. May I backpedal and say “chlorinated aromatic” compounds? I remember during the 70s when Dow made the “dioxin results from combustion” argument, except they had cited examples of incinerated municipal refuse with chlorine-bearing precursors in the mix, like 2,4,5–T contaminated material. Not exactly a natural process....

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It's been a while since I've taken organic chemistry, and I'm not sure if phenol derivatives count as aromatic compounds. If they do, ticks have you covered (hopefully not literally): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih...

EDIT: But yeah, I don't think any chlorinated aromatic compounds quite as nasty as dioxin occur naturally.

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Phenols are aromatic by definition because benzene ring.

Evidently, even polychlorinated aromatic compounds occur in nature. Don’t tell Dow {laughs}.

Who knew those ticks were so randy? Somehow I never imagined organic chemistry and sexytimes for ticks were related. Ain’t it grand?

I learned some new things today and I am grateful for your effort. Time for a geezerly nap. Crom willing, I won’t dream about amorous ticks....

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