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Radical Irishic Terrorism.

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No we notice, but it's with an abiding shame.

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Yay. That's totally how you make the world a better place! By scooping up the bodies of the victims in order to catapult them at your enemies.

You simply can't wait until they're buried to score your political twitter jabs, duh! Once they're buried with dignity, they're so much harder to exploit as emotional billy clubs.

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Watched it. Too bad Dolt 45 didn't because that's how adults legislate. Except for Gowdy. Gowdy stepped on his dick and was treated like a common Ted Cruz. Or was Cruz imitating Gowdy? What the fuck, you know what I mean.

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Flop sweat.

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In FB, you get the url as an embed like we do Twitter. It's not as easy as youtube, but it's doable.

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Nope. Dolt 45 is the Biggest Loser, he's just not feeling it yet.

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Can I get an emergency shipment of Facepalms? I need about, let's see, infinity times never-ending, plus how about throw in every single one that ever occurred throughout history, too. And to be safe, all of the ones every human will ever do, until the end of time. That should about do it!


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Good one, because he is scared of stairs. Allegedly.

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Yeah, and she has to occasionally suck his tiny shriveled dick, and the only other person in the administration who has to do that is Rick Perry.

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Yeah, because taunting terrorists worked out so well for Charlie Hedbo. I get what your saying, but these extremists don't think like everyone else. I would prefer everyone just pack up from the region and leave them too it, including slapping sanctions of any country that is even suspected of funding terrorism, which we all know that Saudi Arabia and Quatar have done.

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I'm not sure the victims families would feel that way though. Mockery around the 911 attack would not have gone over well at all.

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Read the original STAT article if you haven't. It's illuminating. You should also read the Trump interviews where they published the entire unedited transcripts of the audio taped interviews if you haven't. Just don't hurt your jaw when it drops to the floor. The press shouldn't ever clean up and polish his remarks. People need to know just how profoundly incoherent he is in routine conversation.

Roger Stone told fellow right wing nut Alex Jones Trump definitely doesn't have Alzheimer's, but that if he does, it's Obama's fault (of course). Because of "the immense stress Obama's attacks on Trump have caused. Stress can exacerbate Alzheimer's, but doesn't actually cause it. Not to mention that Obama's been relatively quiet about Trump since his election, releasing one statement about Trump's Muslim ban, whereas Trump persistently attacked Obama for more than 8 years, and still is, using him as a scapegoat for his own failings.

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Nope. He doesn't want to jeopardize that big arms deal with his new buddies the Saudis, which is what prompted him to switch to his go-to put down to insult the terrorists.

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Allegedly. Maybe she doesn't actually have sex with him any more. Maybe she didn't sign an awful prenup, plus Barron may be autistic which would fuck Trump up in family court, because she could use that to get a decent settlement and it would come out that he had faulty swimmers. Melania is an antisemitic, and vapid as all get out, but I am really starting to feel bad for her and Barron.

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