"...and they don't seem to care who else gets hurt."

Well, that's only because they don't.

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If he had not had ready access to firearms, he would not have shot up the school. Of course, MTG and JDV are both garbage, so they'll say anything apart from guns was the cause of 6 people dying.

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What this murderer did was horrific and unforgivable. Just like every other mass shooter with some imagined ax to grind and easy access to guns. It’s the guns, stupid.

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Just to be petty for a minute, I am offended at people in their 60s being referred to as "senior citizens"

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Gee with all these mentally ill people out there maybe we should make some of these weapons harder to get hold of ya know?

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Damn straight! 😄

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I’m predicting if the Republicans keep bashing these poor people and trying to erase them from society we will see more of this

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"...transphobes will insist that if the shooter was taking testosterone as part of gender-affirming care, it fried their brain and turned them violent." Doesn't Alex Jones push testosterone boosters? How does that fit into the RWNJ narrative?


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I'm willing to bet that they had been harassed and bullied at this school. Not that that excuses anything, but it makes it more complex

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They DON’T care when trans people are hurt. I remember when Ru Paul was mugged, and the reich wing was “who goes around looking like that?” and acting as if the attack were deserved. Same as when a woman is sexually assaulted. It’s her fault for dressing like a tramp.

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