Ta, Dok. Anyone have an update?

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Nobody older than me is allowed to touch social security and Medicare.

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let's keep our fingers crossed that things don't escalate like they did in 1618.

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Please don't shut down. My stepdaughter is a Federal employee and I don't feel like entertaining her.

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America, stop electing Republicans into a majority in any house of Congress and you won't have to deal with this chaos.

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And Marge just shat the bed.

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Yes, raise the Soc. Sec. retirement age, go ahead.

Repubs: "LOL look old Biden, the sometimes-stuttering fool! Retire already!"

Also Repubs: "YOU! Grandpa! Get back to work, slacker!" *cracks whip*

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Once again for the cheap seats, Social Security is not part of the federal budget!

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Daily Kos wrote about this earlier agreement a few months ago.

From memory: The split funding was flip flopped at the last minute. Originally, the military, homeland, etc was to be passed first thus ensuring that this second vote would languish because it funded those yucky agencies they don't like (EPA for instance). At the last minute, the timeline was flipped and repubs missed it or ???.......anyway, they are fucked unless they do not mind our soldiers not being paid.

A it is a good day to bet on the stock market IMO.

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"And in a huge Culture Wars victory, the bill will prohibit non-official flags from flying on US Embassies, a little fuck you to the occasional inclusion of Pride flags. Other than that pointless non-display, Dems blocked Republican crap like limiting LGBTQ+ rights or further restricting abortion access."

I'm glad Dems fought for the important stuff and I'm not sure I completely disagree with the Repubs on flags displayed at Embassies. Individual employees should have the freedom to decorate their workspaces as they choose but flying on the pole out front? I'm OK with just the US flag...provided Republicans don't write themselves an exception to allow those traitorous flags or cop-worshipping flags.

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I can't wait for her to show up on Press The Meat so I can shut the TV off!

Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Moves to NBC News As Commentator


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Schumer is such a weenie. He should just schedule the vote regardless of Rand Paul. If the "parliamentarian" doesn't like it fire the "parliamentarian" and hire another one. Can't anybody here play this game?

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Gotta make sure we work gratuitous cruelty to migrants into our public funding / public policy

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When I hear any Republican talk about raising the retirement age or doing anything to Social Security except strengthen it, I want to beat them to a bloody pulp with a goddamn KJV Bible, an annotated Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the collected speeches of FDR, and the full transcript of Congressional hearings and reports that led to the created of the goddamned motherfucking social safety net in the first place.

With votes. And a goddamn pitchfork.

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Okay, so we'll set the panic meter to "slightly perturbed" rather than "flee for the hills".

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