There are galleries in NYC that will put it on the walls when you're done. Good luck!

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And stands up when needed.

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Koch Industries will be happy to lend them bootstraps, at 28% interest. Oh, and due to unexpected demand, the price has gone up 150%. Free markets and all that, you know.

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I got Pawlenty of nuttin...

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Extra chromosome, actually, but yeah.

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I think it's Mittens they want to hold underwater.

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Ignore the Koch behind the curtain...

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You should hear it in a solid sterling Bostonian accent!

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They both dump shit on people many miles away.

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If you want a sudden flood of money from the GOP, you tell them the Taliban were behind the tornado. Next thing you know, you've got billions for reconstruction, and billions more for a national tornado detection, evaluation, and warning system. Preferably involving checkpoints where traveling weather systems are X-rayed for hidden vortices.

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Just don't plagiarize, OK?

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Hey, look at all the bootstraps! <a href="http://tinyurl.com/3bua7pw" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://tinyurl.com/3bua7pw">http://tinyurl.com/3bua7pw</a>

Just help yourself to all you can find.

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Shooting themselves in the foot? Are you kidding? The feet are long gone ... they're at the self-kneecapping stage now.

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Well, when it comes to Republican douchebaggery, the material pretty much writes itself, doesn't it?

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I think it would have to be "Joplin, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries." That should get them sucked into a veritable tornado of cash.

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Non-starter. According to the GOP manual, a brain-dead corpse is just like a fetus, and is entitled to the full protection of the law. And has the right to carry a loaded pistol to defend itself against godless democrats, socialists, and communists. And gets an honorary NRA membership card and bumper sticker, also.

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