Thank YOU for sharing your memories of your dad. :)

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Seconded! And/or Donna Rose (PBUH) pics. ;-)

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So good, dude.

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YHJB indeed!

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1967 GTO, 400 cu V-8. Good while it lasted 'til the oil embargo.

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I am weepy, this kills me with nicetime feelings. Because as a first generation Irish American, Handsome Uncle Joe Biden reminds me terribly of my late Dad in his attitude, especially when I came out at 22. "You're gay. So what! We love you." said my Irish cop dad when I broke the news (hardest thing I've ever done.) Found out much later that my Dad told my brother he was proud of me for coming out, being honest. Biden reminds me an awful lot of my Dad. Handsome Joe is a people-person just like my Irish NYPD cop Dad was. He loved people, all people, meeting and talking, incredibly social and he'd charm people's socks off, all his life. And could also be quite the verbal argumentative guy towards his oldest son (me), could be a dick while everyone else loved his charm. That's life though, and I miss him immensely. Joe Biden and Roger Sterling on Mad Men are two who remind me of my dad. Charmers and sardonic sorts, but people-persons, social. Sorry for the long post about my own shit. Biden is just an awesome guy.

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My best friend in high school had a '64 GTO. I think it had a 327, can't really remember. White with a black interior, and OMG that was an awesomely beautiful car.

Now the bad news - he traded it in for a *pickup*. Since the universe is just (selectively), he stopped getting laid after giving up the GTO.

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The missus & I are considering writing in Professorski Senator Warrenova.

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Just showed the pic to my bf. Both of us were like "Gawd dayum he's soooooo fuckably hawt!"

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He can love other things too, ya know!

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Gaffes are my spirit Garanimal.


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Your dad sounds like he was an amazing person and a great father. :)

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Small, unmarked, bills in a burlap sack in the knot-hole in the big elm behind the Wonkette outhouse in the dead of night. BRING NOBODY WITH YOU!!!!

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Entire Wonkettariat going down for the third time in 3....2....1....

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Haters gonna hate.

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I think Joe's already had a quite a bit of vetting, with all his elections and being the VP, too also.

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