In Britain "proceeds of crime" seizures have to be 1) done by court order and 2) on the proceeds of a crime (ie something that you have been found guilt of).

What is so hard for the US to understand about that?

Walk into police station "Excuse me. I was on my way to buy a car in cash, and the officer took my $3000." "If you wish to contest this, you need to blah blah..." "Its not that, its just that he only wrote $2000 on the receipt."

Walk away....

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For a while in the late 80s and early 90s, this clever program put Porsche patrol cars in the Miami-Dade PD fleet until the County had to start buying Porsche parts and service.

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last I checked, police departments seem to be getting every last damn thing they ask for anyways. In cities across the country, after school programs get slashed, community programs gutted, parks shut down, public works projects shelved, salaries slashed, massive layoffs, and on and on.

Yet the police department is driving brand spanking new cruisers (because last year's new cars are somehow no longer good enough), dept budgets expand, hiring expands and the police get every single new toy they could possibly imagine in their wildest dreams. And yet we're supposed to feel sorry for these WATBs?

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but they won't, because conservatives are the world's biggest hypocrites when it comes to that tyrannical, overbearing government they're always whining about

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TYRANNY!!!....wait - whut?

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Now make it retroactive so that cop has to take my grandma's diamond out of his wifes ring ,cheap fucker she actually thought you spent all that money on her

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Maybe, like the NYC cops, they could all focus on just making the truly "necessary arrests".

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How about they asset forfeiture Cliven's house for Cliven Jr's burglary and drug arrests and outstanding warrants?

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Of course...with extreme prejudice even. Lack of fawning respect is a killin' offense.

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Help me out here...didn't this country use to have due process? How the hell did this pass muster?

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<a href="http:\/\/gawker.com\/addicted-fbi-agent-snorts-evidence-against-dozens-of-al-1679871848" target="_blank">Case in point</a>

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The cops just wanted to be part of the sharing economy everyone's talking about.

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