If you steal from yourself, it's self-plagiarism, which is kind of lazy. If Thomas Friedman steals from himself, it's hyper-plagiarism, which is evidently worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

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I remember going to various <strike>boondoggles</strike>technology conferences in Europe in the mid-90's (when we'd already had the Web for a decade or so), where there was great angst trying to foresee the killer application that would actually drive 3G phone deployment. If only I'd realized it was gonna be dick pics.

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And amazingly, it turns out that the best-rewarded contributors are those who inherited their money.

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Well of course they write coherent English. Once they get something right, they just re-use it.

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Obviously, it's untrue at Friedman's workplace as well.

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What percentage of the emails that get him on the email list are complaints about how he always rights the exact same garbage over and over and BTW is a truly fucking awful writer in just about every way imaginable, and what percentage are actually him inflating his email totals? I'm going with 50/50.

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This reminds me of a time I was riding in a taxi in Dubai.

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Just spitballing here, but now that Friedman has wrapped up the grief process ("The World is Flat" is out of date and irrelevant and 1¢, used, on Amazon), what are the chances that a new book, with "Hyperconnected" and "World" in the title, is on the way?

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Noted goat-fellator Mickey Kaus, on the topic of how the Messicans are stealing our jerbs?

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The lamestream liebrul NYT needs conservative columnists to be "fair and balanced". (Faux News uses conservatives to balance out its conservatives; these guys are nothing if not versatile.)

At least they write coherent English; challenging them takes a wee bit more effort than does lacerating the witless nincompoops on BlightFart and Daily Failer.

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Five and a half hours of meetings today - and now FRIEDMAN??? I can't take zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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His columns have advanced beyond poorly written bullshit to what I like to call "<i>hyperbullshit!</i>" (I coined that term myself, with the exclamation mark. So if you think he is simply "bullshit," you stand corrected. You're welcome.) Also, anyone who uses the word "stuff" in formal writing is a fucking idiot, and stuff. Why didn't he throw in some "like, umm"s for good measure?

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More to the point: once Nate Silver had amply demonstrated <i>in the pages of the NYT</i> that the entire punditocracy was just cluelessly making shit up, why didn't they can Friedface's ass?

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As numerous Wonkini have pointed out, the person who should be opinioning in the NYT is that pissflaps drink-a-dick guy. Not only does he know how this opinionating thing works; he is also a damn fine wordsmith. Unlike Uncle OMG FACEBOOK IT IS SO COOL NOW THAT THERE IS TWITTER AND GLOBALISM WE WILL NEVER HAVE ANY MORE WARS Tom.

God I loathe that guy.

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Yet, I yearn for the simpler days when I wrote my Wonkette comments on my trusty Underwood and handed the Postman my envelope with the carbon copy inside.

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