Unnamed Baghead: Who made this goddamn shit?Other Unnamed Baghead: Willard's wife.Willard: Well, make your own goddamn mask!Big Daddy: Look. Nobody's sayin' they don't appreciate what Jenny did.Unnamed Baghead: Well, if all I had to do was cut a hole in a bag, I coulda cut it better than this!Other Unnamed Baghead: What about you, Robert? Can you see?Robert: Not too good. I mean, if I don't move my head I can see you pretty good, more or less. But when I start ridin', the bag's movin' all over, and I - I'm ridin' blind.Bag Head #2: [rips bag] Shit. I just made mine worse. Anybody bring any extra bags?Unnamed Baghead: No! Nobody brought an extra bag!

Willard: Well fuck all y'all! I'm going home! You know, I watched my wife work all day gettin' thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches! And all I can hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! From now on, don't ask me or mine for nothin'!Bag Head #2: Okay, I'm confused. Are the bags on or off?Robert: I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia

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This does not surprise me.

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The suffering women of TX agree.

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I agree with Stephen on this question, but IANAL. I wonder what some of the actual defense attorneys who hang around here, like UncleTravelingMatt, have to say about the question of prejudicial vs. probative as it applies to displays of the Asshole Flag.

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Bring the Jubilee!

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The "Stars and Bars" refers to the First Confederate flag (the one pictured in the article above). The Confederate Battle flag (the "rebel" flag) is often mistakenly called the "Stars and Bars," even by the racists who fly it.

Just goes to show how well they know their history.

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"What does surprise me though is the failure of the confederacy apologists to actually go full metal fanboy for ancient Egypt. "What, they didn't like to hype up a millennia spanning, advanced superpower founded and run by Africans? Nope, can't think of any reason at all...

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That's the Georgia state seal

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Maybe she was just opposed to litter

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It doesn't excuse it but Petty later apologized and said he deeply regretted flying it on that tour.

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I'll see your Sherman, and raise you the M3 Grant:


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I know it’s irritating. But if it’s on his property he has a right to display it.

And you have a right to complain about it, of course.

And I have a right, should I ever move to your town and want the services of a realtor, to go tell him, in simple words, why I will not be using his services.

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Incidental, probably not related, but at the time if the Civil War, the nickname "Egypt" referred to the lower Ohio valley, a region characterized by place names borrowed from ancient Egypt. This area was also characterized by strong southern sympathies during the war.

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They do grow into monsters. I’ve lived in two houses that had magnolia trees in the yard, and even though the blossoms are glorious, the shedding leaf mess — occurring in late spring, not even in the fall! — was terrible. Magnolias really belong in huge open spaces, not in suburban neighborhoods.

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I often wonder if they realize that they are losing customers.

Probably not. They think they are the majority.

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