Water moccasin handling churches?

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Palin is still CUNT only now she is a little wetter because of all the baptizing

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"GILF" - "Governor I'd Like to F?"

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I've said it before, and damn it, I'll say it again: I hope when Walnuts dies, the commenting class sticks Caribou Barbie so far up his ass, she'll have to take a train back from his duodenum.

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One is for fighting, the other is for terrorizing people who just want to enjoy the other American tradition of watching their kids play Little League.

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I have a family member who has to have an NRA membership because of his business clientele (I know, WTF?), who is a good guy and not a nut but he could be, and as far as one can tell, is, the only sane one in the entire bunch.

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Thank god we invented the Internet and delivery, so none of us have to leave our houses (except the delivery people, but they're usually poors so the n(R)a says fuck 'em)!

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"...the NRA convention is basically just a big weekend for gun manufacturers to separate even more of the rubes from even more of their money."

That's probably why Duh Gov' spoke - to raise money for her Sarah PAC.

There is an excellent piece on The Daily Caller (WTF!) website about the two largest teabagger groups raising tons of money for their vital purposes - keeping the two largest tea bagger groups running and raising money.

Go over to Amazon (click on the right) and check out the excellent book "Thunder on the Right."

Scam City.

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Hey, they found the one black guy in the NRA! (well, I guess he stood out in the crowd)

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Arming black men is what the NRA is all about.

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"As I wear my Beretta close to my loins, feeling the power and masculinity that other parts of my loins are lacking, I think of Sarah, and feel the love rising. I stand in front of the gun cabinet, with it's framed and signed picture of Wayne LaPierre, grip the handle of my pistol and say God Bless 'Murrica!"

...after a cigarette...

"I go to the park and get respect for my right to bear arms by waving my gun around. Nothing says 'responsible gun ownership' than showing kids I have a gun and can use it in a public place. If you are scared, you are a pussy. I will show those lefty liberals they better sleep with one eye open - I have a right to take this baby anywhere and whip it out any time! It tells brown people they better cross the street when they see me and not cross *me* - I stand my ground. God Bless 'Murrica!"

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If I were in charge, people who say their guns overrule democratically enacted laws would be called "tyrants".

And, for the record, the Constitution is more than the Second Amendment. When Sarah Palin™ chooses to ignore the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, she demonstrates her true hatred of America.

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Like Chicken Little crying that the sky is falling the NRA honchos repeat their decade's old trope: the gummit is coming for your guns and we are the only one preventing it.

Will that be cash or credit?

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