And despite that racist in the White House. Imagine how enlightened our society would be now if he hadn't usurped...

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Less Blutarsky and more Niedermeyer-ey

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I love how he compares South Carolina and Maryland, completely leaving out that two of the reasons Maryland didn't secede from the Union were:

1) The very long and almost indefensible border with Pennsylvania; and 2) Lincoln and the Union Army locking up every Confederate sympathizer in a position of authority within the city of Baltimore.

Maryland was just as racist as South Carolina. They just had a more pragmatic reason not to tell D.C. to piss off.

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For a Repub, this passes as smrt.

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Yes, a well-known older white man probably did get good service and smiles all around. Have makeup turn you into a 20-year-old black male and see what happens.

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Don't forget Liddy. And Magruder. And - fuck it, AOT,K except Dean.

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You wouldn't even have to hide them. They're loud and proud of being ignorant fuckwaffles. Just look for a black face in the clubhouse. If it's not attached to a body wearing a uniform, I'll buy you breakfast at Waffle House.

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<i>On October 14, 2005, city leaders announced a plan to have local voters decide on a possible name change for the town from White Settlement to West Settlement. In the November 8 election, the name change was overwhelmingly rejected by a vote of 2388 to 219.</i>

Heritage, right?

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If bad things don't happen to jump up and slap you, they've ceased to exist.

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Fuck Ben Stein, Honey.

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No more hate or racial fear! Yay! Another reason to drink.

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Clear Eyes For The Hate Guys.

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Fuck Ben Stein. Of course he'll say that there is no more racism. That miserable POS would slit his own mother's throat for a buck then look you in the eye and swear on her freshly dug grave that he did no such thing. He's the epitome of the amoral swine that have the brains and none of that pesky ethics or simple decency that stops the rest of us, that allows them to spend their entire lives grifting and fleecing the gullible idiots that make up the GOP base and as a result- the whole country. The old joke about the GOP is that it's never a question of whether or not they're right about any given topic, the challenge is determining the line where the dishonest lets off and dumb kicks in. With Ben it's really easy to tell though. He's not a stupid man- he is just completely lacking in anything remotely close to a moral compass.

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he never stopped

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for Ben, it's all about the Benjamins- and I'm not talking about Netanyahu

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or he'll spend a couple years in the real world after he turns 18 and he'll say "WTF was I thinking? That was a pantload of BS I was spouting" and those same RW pundits will pretend like he never existed

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