"Fuckin' energy, how does it work"?

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"Paging Zombie Alexander Haig. Will Zombie Alexander Haig please pick up the white courtesy phone."

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Bob! He was so entertaining.

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Obligatory: Where's Lori?

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I've cleaned public bathrooms. I'd much rather do that.At the least, people were grateful.

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But NOT reading. Ew.

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He understood the system and played it for six years. Donnie may be lucky if he gets six MONTHS.

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Depressing how little has improved.

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Looking for Spencer in the bushes.

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I got laid off in the recession of 1980. Every Sunday, I would get the paper, go through the want ads and line up job possibilities, and, Monday morning, start calling at 8:00 AM. When I finally got through, they weren't taking any more interviews because their schedule was full. Remembering what that was like, I still wouldn't take a job in this White House.

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No one thought about the lack of contacts with the bureaucratic infrastructure when they went with that outsider.

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Godwin did not account for this, so I accept any and all Hitler references where 45 is concerned.

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Mr. Christie put Mr. Kushner Sr. in jail. Jared would be displeased if he was hired, which would displease Ivanka, which means the muffin shop would be CLOSED!

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Hey, he can hire me for head (or is it #2?) of the EPA.

'Course, I may do a smuggler's turn on the direction of the EPA....

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My condolences. I was, ahh, "between positions" for almost five fucking years under W, and I suppose I could count the number of cover letters I have when I get home.... What I figure got me back to work was a friend who dug me up online to work on the website of a company he'd just started. He wasn't paying, but he was cool with, the instant the website went live, me saying on my resume that I was employed there.

HR assholes, being assholes, don't want to talk to you if you're not working....

Come the Revolution, we're going to lead HR into the parking lot, toss asphalt on them and PAVE THEM INTO THE ROADWAY, and then they will have *some* social utility.

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Reading this I am seriously contemplating just how far a person could get in this administration with a completely forged CV and zero scruples.

Pretty far, I bet.

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