AP reports he's been discharged. (No word on whether it's "honorable" or not.) So I take it back: he gets no help after all, just gets sent home to live in his birther dad's basement.

Unless, of course, he wises up to the possibilities of touring the country in a big ol' bus, charging the teabagging rubes for the privilege of listening to him gibber. (I wish this was only snark ... you know damned well they'd lap it up.)

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yeah... I should have said, "selectively blind".

The 57 varieties of 'baggers and 'tards infesting the right wing do seem to latch on to a few realities before their imaginations take flight, and the skin tone of the President seems to be high on the list of things they've noticed. That, the wars, and the loss of their jobs and/or homes, pretty much covers what they actually do know.

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Ooo, they've said it, alright. Over and over again. He hears it in his dreams. Why do you think he's so damn crazy?

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This is America; EVERYBODY'S got access to weapons. It's in the Constitooshun, y'know.

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I'm going to read this at the family dinner table at Thanksgiving this year. "And now, the Testimony of SSGT Moran. Never forget." This will be my response to my teatard brother going on for twenty minutes reading a soporific, mind-numbing, 25 page heap of shit about thanksgiving written by George Washington last year.

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same shit that happened in 'the ring' and the american remake.

demons down a well.

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Yes. Along with being the most fuckable, they are pretty crazy aren't they?

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Yet he's blind to the facts. Only in the military...

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One of those conservatard/teabagger moments that's so over-the-top stupid, mindless and absurd that it defies satire. The best writers at The Onion are staring at that video, and saying "Shit, there's no way I can improve on this."

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Does the USAF still do "Section 8" removals? This poor schlub needs (and finally will get) the mental health treatment he needs.

Too bad most birthers don't have as good a health plan.

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See what happens when we let Morans serve openly.

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The last time there was a video this senseless and rambling it was shot just before the Heavens Gate cult all decided to take a nap with plastic bags over their heads.

Or maybe it was the most recent Orly Taitz video.

It's a toss-up.

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I thought members of the military needed to be physically fit.

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I shudder to think what the loss of this "ophthalmology technician" will do to our defense capabilities.

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"Please inform me when you receive this email"

I love to write in emails "Let me know if you don't get this email."

Anyway, back to the Moran. I'm pretty sure this is what watching Glenn Beck will do to your brain. Is anyone else concerned that this guy probably has access to weapons?

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