I hope Obama had the good sense to make sure the teabagger-approved judge was at least 30 years older than the good ones. Because the only thing worse than an old, white, wingnut judge is a young, white, wingnut judge. (<i>See</i>: Court, U.S. Supreme)

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He seems nice...

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Just because some of my constituents wear hoods and white robes, come on guys, I have to fit in, I mean, I wear a yarmulke in temple, and the Stars and Bars is really St. George's cross and whatever happened to religious freedom in this country anyway. Thank you. That concludes my opening remarks.

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therein lies the real problem. GOP obstructionism

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Yeah, but how could you <i>disprove</i> that?

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There's slavishly doing your constituents' bidding, and then there's leadership. Occasionally these overlap, and there's usually a tax cut involved.

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you'd think that after 6 years he'd quit trying to be reasonable with those fuckwits

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See?! Both sides <i>do</i> do it*

*or doo-doo it.

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Hey - you might have a point there. Someone should look into the possibility.

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To be fair his hands are kinda tied with the blue-slip rule (thanks to Dems) and GOP obstruction. Essentially he gets one of his judges approved for two of their judges.

It will be interesting to see what Chambliss & Isakson do with Pryor if Boggs is eliminated. Hahahaha just kidding we know they'll block every nomination unless its one of their picks.

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By any chance was that fella from BONG?

Sorry I can't resist the opportunity to call out the Bank of North Georgia when it presents itself.

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Please let the record show that Senators Chambliss & Isakson (R- You fuckin kidding me) essentially nominated this sandpaper asswipe so they'd approve Bamz nominee - Jill Pryor who they've blocked for 2 years.

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Also too this court is the busiest federal appellate court in the nation. Bamz has made a couple of sketchy deals with them in the past but I have a sneaking suspicion that he is playing some sort of 3 dimensional chess with them.

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Watchova yomunez & WF?

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that's not right. cokie roberts is actually the boggs (she's lindy and hale's daughter). not sure who thomas is (brother?) but the poor roberts fellow has nothing to do with boggs lineage.

well, except marrying one.

also: i detest nearly all of cokie roberts' work.

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i heard Feinstein going all badass on this today. mentioned she'd heard promises of judicial impartiality before and then everything changed.

john roberts. looking at you.

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