You're as dumb as Keith Olbermann is.

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huh. i don't remember that.

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and falls out of trees while dressed like a pirate.

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ah fukui, first you make us cry, then you make us smile.

may you find some comfort in that place of beauty and may you come back to your scrappy dizzy undisciplined children of wonkette.

we will miss you!

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<i>This community has been good for me in the past. You owe me nothing.</i>

I joined wonkette in sickness and in health. (I have also forsaken all others, except the Maddow Blog.) If there's a way to help, I'm in.

Fukui-san: You're not being tested as an atheist; you're being a husband. A good one, I'd say. And you're not alone. When my wife had health problems, there was so much we did not need to say to each other. Whether you talk to us on wonkette or leave for a while, my bet is she knows your heart inside and out.

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Mean is sometimes good where there is Cancer. It sure helped me cope.Do what you must but we will be here for you.

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That's nothing special...that's just Jim.

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"I resent the comparison to Paulites."

Yer ok in my book, mister.

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"people who treat politics and everything that surrounds it as a game"

I don't know if it's so much as a game as it is the type of humor one uses to ward off a crushing sense of despair. For instance, today while listening to This American Life, I learned that for every dollar corporations spend on lobbying, they get $220 back in favors, tax breaks, and general reach arounds. Now, I'm going to research this incredible number, but even it's off by a factor of 4, we are well and truly fucked.

Politics isn't so much a game as much as it's a sick form of porn...and all you can do stop your mouth from screaming is to fill it with snark.

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You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.

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True dat.

People forget MSNBC didn't decide it wanted to be the "liberal" news channel until about four years ago when they hired Maddow full time (Scarborough being the only conservative leftover from back then). This is the network that fired Phil Donahue even though he was the top guy on the channel for his early Iraq War pieces, was the tv home of Don Imus for many years, gave shows to Michael Savage and Tucker Carlson, and repeatedly tried to hire Limbaugh.

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I wish that could be said for Jennifer Granholm. (The former and the latter.)

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That's three of us. So far.

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They might have Rebecca on again sometime, though.

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