Proving or disproving &quot;consent&quot; is often a pain in the ass . . . having an anti-buttsex law gives the DA a super-convenient lesser charge for defendants to plead guilty to. That&#039;s <strike>the real</strike> one of the reasons STRANGE wants to keep it illegal.
Why is it so difficult for these people to grasp that it&#039;s not about who sticks what where. It&#039;s about whether it was a consensual sticking or not. !!!Facepalm!!! I just realized he&#039;s not being thick (maybe) but he is being a disingenuous homophobe.
A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich if they wanted to, so forgive me if Strange&#039;s argument is a bit...shall we say, peculiar? Bizzare? Out of the ordinary?
The whole idea of &quot;consent&quot; seems to be completely lost on corn pone yokels. The speed with which they can blindly jump to the conclusion that &quot;mutual agreement&quot; is exactly the same thing as &quot;being forced&quot; is truly astounding.
He&#039;s more convincing with the cape. And the All Seeing Eye of Agamotto.
Ah, &#039;bammy. The sweet music of treefrogs and banjos. Nothing Strange about that.
&quot;The defendant is charged with one count of felony hold my beer&quot;.
If only this guy was a doctor. [gestures hypnotically]
And as my ex pointed out to me, sometimes yes means Meh.
Given their elected officials, it&#039;s obvious the people there will agree to anything, thus the need to protect &#039;em.
Proving or disproving &quot;consent&quot; is often a pain in the ass . . . having an anti-buttsex law gives the DA a super-convenient lesser charge for defendants to plead guilty to. That&#039;s <strike>the real</strike> one of the reasons STRANGE wants to keep it illegal.
Short version: Outlaw Consensual Butt Sechs because it&#039;s Strange.
and chickens!
Why is it so difficult for these people to grasp that it&#039;s not about who sticks what where. It&#039;s about whether it was a consensual sticking or not. !!!Facepalm!!! I just realized he&#039;s not being thick (maybe) but he is being a disingenuous homophobe.
Small government in action.
I&#039;m glad Alabama has solved all its other problems so they have time for this junior high school legislating.
No BJs in Alabama? Add that one to the &quot;never visit&quot; list.
Only the legitimate kind.
A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich if they wanted to, so forgive me if Strange&#039;s argument is a bit...shall we say, peculiar? Bizzare? Out of the ordinary?
The whole idea of &quot;consent&quot; seems to be completely lost on corn pone yokels. The speed with which they can blindly jump to the conclusion that &quot;mutual agreement&quot; is exactly the same thing as &quot;being forced&quot; is truly astounding.