Or take off and nuke it from space? It's the only way to be sure.

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It will most certainly remain in motion long after the Supremes finally put a (legal) end to the (stupid) question of whether gay people are equal citizens under the law.

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Even Texans had the common sense to elect <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Louie_Gohmert#Early_political_career" target="_blank">its dumbest judge</a> to a position that would keep him off the bench, and out of the state, indefinitely.

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Good godamitey, a Fakakta sighting.

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<i>"Should state courts have obeyed the 1857 ruling of the Supreme Court in Dred Scott that black people were property?" </i>

If memory serves, Alabama obeyed that law quite happily.

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<i>"Should state courts have obeyed the 1857 ruling of the Supreme Court in Dred Scott that black people were property?"</i>

Children are property, my friends. That's why they're easy to buy on ebay. <blockquote> Cute 3 year old boy. Likes Snoopy and Hello Kitty. Must sell, make offer. </blockquote>

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The graphics people at Bloomberg missed an opportunity to call it "Roll Pride".

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Unlike things performed between two consenting adults, we're not asking nor are we expecting you to <i> like </i> this, Alabama.

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June is bustin' out all over.

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The are a lot of Republican voters who will continue to oppose same-sex marriage until they're in one. And maybe not stop even then.

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It's been three days now, and I'm still not feeling my traditional marriage being threatened. What's the incubation period for this plague?

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Dred Scott. Really? They just <i>want</i> to look as comical as possible? That "late unpleasantness" is all forgotten now -- as in amnesia? As a backup, I've heard that holding your breath until you turn blue always works.

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That's not even speculation; it's a straight first order deduction of the general rule to a specific case.

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