Apparently, being innocent while black is a capitol offense in GOP-world, so in their minds they didn't execute the "wrong" person.

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That was not judgment, that was a call to arms. The goal being to rouse these lazy sods to action with a swift kick in the arse...I commend you, miss, for any action you may have taken to contribute to the restoration of democracy and decency.

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I knew. Alabama is much more civilized. They don't use rocks.

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I've been to, and more often through Alabama many times, but one trip sticks in my mind. Back in the 90s I was driving from TN to NOLA, and from the highway I saw a literal chain gang picking cotton, overseen by a guard on a horse, holding a shotgun. The prisoners were all people of color. The overseer was white. I thought I'd taken a wrong turn into the 19th century. Alabama is scary AF.

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Also racism, and other forms of bigotry. It's always been about that, too.

If Nathaniel Woods were rich and white and been convicted, wrongly or rightly, of having done the same thing the real Woods was wrongly convicted of, the hypothetical white Woods might be incarcerated, but he certainly would not have been sentenced to death.

But Alabama's gonna Alabama. Yee. Haw.

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The traditional Southern oligarchy lost the first, high-intensity phase of the Civil War (1861-1865).

Unfortunately for not only the USA but all of humanity, that oligarchy then won the second, low-intensity phase of that war (1865-1877).

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And bigotry, especially the species of bigotry called "racism".

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In memory of George Carlin:


Ascended Madoka damn the White South, and I say that as a white Southerner.

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Okay, I am so pissed off I will speak the ultimate blasphemy for someone of my cultural background.


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And that they could. The evil fucks.

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The deaths of the "Dying of Whiteness" people who keep voting for the policies that kill them, because they hate non-white people, especially black people, more than they love THEIR OWN FUCKING LIVES, are less tragedies than they are illustrations of natural selection--or would be, except alas, they usually do manage to reproduce first.

The stupid shits are willing to DIE for their ideology of hate.

Except for their specific ideology of hate, what is the difference between one of these people and a member of ISIS or the Taliban?

Thanks to Rebecca and Company for giving me a place to vent.

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We are a "Christian Nation" only in the sense of Ambrose Bierce's definition of the word "Christian": "One who follows the teachings of Christ insofar as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin."

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Not all of them, or they would not wield nearly as much political power as they do.

Nor are they all Southern.

We have a non-Southern, non-poor example of White Trash polluting the Oval Office right now.

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Zevon upfist.

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Because he has defenders even on here. Which is really gross. When is it defensible to have naked pictures of your underage stepdaughter?

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Or black evidently.

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