Remember when you and all your liberal commie friends were smoking crack rock together, on a Sunday no less, and played that game where you guessed which state would be the absolute dead last to legalize gay marriage?
Live it up Alabama heterosexuals. In two weeks you will be required by law to stop loving your opposite sex spouses/cousins. And STFU about "And think not that you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course." Your AG says that's illegal.
<i>&quot;...married in 2008 in California but have since moved to Alabama.&quot;</i>
Unlike early pioneers who moved west and faced unknown dangers from hostile natives, this family moved east.
<i>Two week stay.</i>
Live it up Alabama heterosexuals. In two weeks you will be required by law to stop loving your opposite sex spouses/cousins. And STFU about &quot;And think not that you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.&quot; Your AG says that&#039;s illegal.
My bet on Mississippi still pretty safe.
I can hear Callie [Granade] all the way over here, saying &quot;FFS&quot;.
You assume they are capable of thought .... how nice of you.
This is bad news for &quot;Bear&quot; Bryant and his life partner Crimson Tad.
Brazilians would be better.