Is it wrong that I'm visualizing pom-poms?

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Excellent. Can we get a Wonkette-gets-a-slice linky, do you think?

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Net? That's a good-sized store.

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E.g., Michele Bachmann - Intelligence Committee.

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"I guess eating vegetables *also* isn't something that racist fuckwads in Alabama do, so..."

How dare you! They love both their freedom fries and their ketchup!

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I posted this on the discussion over at Raw Story

Being a Brit I recognise this type of racist "corner store" bullshit. Began with Ugandan Asians refugees, continued with Bangladeshis carried on with Pakistanis and I even heard echoes regarding Croatians.

These refugees are hard working and willing to put in long hours, both behind the counter and down at the wholesaler. Additionally family members and relatives all help out, the result is that they can make uneconomic stores work even though the profits are tiny.

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Brown is so boring ...

... Black would be even more flattering, perhaps accented by flashes of silver.

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Upvote for the Vietnamese proprietor

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Calligraphy joke - You're actually a Carolingian Minuscule then

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Someone's earned their username real good.

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Ow! ... sorry Best Beloved seemed annoyed

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Over on Wordpress my screen name is "Schwadevivre" but it's all in how you pronounce it

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So many things are.

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I guess he won't be buying gas anymore.

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Grocery stores of all kinds are low-margin businesses, which is why you don't see assholes on Wall Street being very interested in them.

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