There has been a plantation mentality among car makers since before Henry Ford.

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Solidarity! Unionize and demand respect!

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Mercedes is waiting to deploy its secret weapon: Tommy Tuberville.

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"Another mandatory plant-wide meeting in February that featured former University of Alabama football Coach Nick Saban"

....wait, what?

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This is Alabama. The only visitor that might, emphasis on might, get more attention, is the Lord Jesus Himself.

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Oh, I get that. I'm a college football fan, so I'm well aware. However, the way the article is written, saying "Another mandatory plant-wide meeting", implies that he was there supporting the anti-union rhetoric, which is not something I'd have expected of him. He's always seemed like a pretty stand-up guy from what I've seen of him, despite what I might think of him football-wise.

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I will never buy a foreign car...

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Quite apart from the whole idea of union busting being a travesty committed by rich folks to keep poors poor, this quote is extra galling:

"A mandatory plant-wide meeting Göbel held in February to discourage workers from unionizing. At this meeting, Göbel told workers, ‘I don’t believe the UAW can help us to be better’ and that they ‘shouldn’t have to pay union dues that generate millions of dollars per year for an organization where you have no transparency where that money is used."

So, "Don't vote for a lack of transparency of your union dues ... let us keep them as profits, which you'll not only have zero transparency regarding where that money is used ... you also will gain zero benefit from those profits."

At least with union dues the workers will see benefits like collective bargaining and strike pay should it be required. Management lackeys and their corporate overlords obviously think their workers are pretty fucking stupid.

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Alright, who ruined that lovely Benz in the header pic? Somebody going drifting?

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This is what Mercedes corporate back in Stuttgart wanted all along.

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The UAW was founded in 1935. Alabama auto plants are unionizing in 2024. So, the southern states are now only 89 years behind the times, not 100. That is progress!

(Yes, I live in TX. Yes, I know we are still dragging the average down. Let's just enjoy the current moment, shall we?)

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The reason Germany has such enlightened labor laws is that we imposed them on them after WW2 before our GOP went nuts and our democrats went to sleep.

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Oh, filing that complaint in Germany was a WONDERFUL move by Fain! Those c-suite geniuses obviously thought the American oafs couldn't find Germany on a map. This is the purest, most distilled version of FAFO I have seen since I don't know when.

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Of course Nazi brand cars sold in AmeriKKKa would be made in AlabamReich. Union for the workers might help take away some of the smell.

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Alright git 'r done, workers!

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Awright, who came up with the idea to call the propaganda guy for MB "Goebbels"? Was it Dok? Sounds like a Dok trick

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I swear, the writers they get these days!

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