Genuine "critical thinking" would lead them away from creationism and other forms of anti science thinking. This law is not about "critical thinking." Its about trying to create the illusion that there's reason to doubt evolution when there is none.

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His Noodleness!

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The dude can't even figure out how to adjust a Facebook cover photo. The heads are all cut off; all you see are some impressive Alabama gazongas.

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Republicans believe critical thinking means bitching about Obama.

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Dude. We share a common ancestor with everything.

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I seem to recall, back when I was a little'un, reading something Robert A. Heinlein wrote about the Alabama Legislature wanting to repeal the Law of Gravity. So apparently the derp is nothing new there.

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Ain't that the truth! In my "experiment" stage (abut 12) I stuck a screwdriver into the inards of an AM radio that was plugged in. A valuable lesson was learned and a screwdriver destroyed.

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And the circumference of a circle is exactly 3 times the diameter. See, I is smart too, also.

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The book, "The Redneck Manifesto" basically suggests that very thing.

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Dear Rep. Mack:

You know... it IS possible to believe in God and reality at the same time:) Most normal people on the planet in the 21st century can manage not to confuse Bible study with a science class... it makes one wonder why that's such a difficult thing for tea party fundies.

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i wonder, just which mcdonald's the graduates of these schools will be employed at with the "first class education" they are getting? can't imagine what other industry that would be willing to re-educate enough to function in the modern world.

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is this for real? how can this, this... i can't even think of a description for it, curriculum, let's say, allow anyone to have enough knowledge to get a diploma?

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Yes, that is from an actual Christian Homeskoolin' Sciency type book.

You can get yer own copy off the interwebs from Amazon and learn all sorts of stupid shit. http://www.amazon.com/Scien...

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i'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than have to have a frontal lobotomy.

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Oh don't worry. Well, don't worry if they are related to any of the people who approve of this kind of education in the first place. There is always nepotism to fall back on. It's what helps put very ignorant people into positions where they can be elected into power by other like minded ignorant people.

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Because they fundamentally believe deeply that the bible is the word of a deity and if someone believes, truly, that words in a book are the word of a powerful supernatural being that rules over them and made a guide for them to live by, then of course they're gonna follow it. I mean, the book does claim to be the word of a god, right? Their thinking is why should they doubt it? And science conflicts with the words in the bible (So do the words in the bible...Conflict with the words in the bible, but I digress), so therefore, god before science, ignore fact in favor of belief. It's very logical from the standpoint of a fundie. The rest who believe 'mildly' by cherry picking said bible of it's finer points, and dismissing more negative ones as 'not to be taken literal' as much as they please, clearly are more capable of doing mental olympics to keep the belief alive.

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