Saw a version of the video where someone dubbed yakity sax as brooks fled down the stairs. It was perfect.

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Hopefully, that didn't really happen.

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I'm confused. Would that be a myriad of spoons?

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Saw one on TV this evening saying almost those exact words. Don't suppose he was "coached" do you?

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Yup "à la Bama" which translates roughly into "to the Bama."

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No shit. I am sick to death hearing about how democrats have to be kinda racist and feign ignorance so we can get the "rural' voters on our side.

First of all, Fuck that, If we can't win without racists and the purposely ignorant than we shouldn't win at all.

Second, as the Obama coalition showed us we don't need them to win.

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Only for those who refuse to recognize that language and word usage changes over time.

Or do you still speak like this: No? Strange.


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Nope, people using it wrong doesn't make it correct.

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I'm getting tired too. We should not have to be expending energy on getting americans to accept that fucking a 14 year old, or trying to, is bad.

I figured by now we'd be working on real problems like wages and global climate change and drug-resistant viruses....but no. We still have a third of the country confused about what rape is. Or outright supporting it.

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Yeah, I am tired of that horsesheet. It's always in one direction.

Why don't they ask themselves why the people they send to congress can't seem to get anything done or their states are pretty backwards.

NC was great economically under moderate democrat and republican leadership, now not so much. See also: Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas. Georgia where I live, is doing reasonably well, because of the big ol splotch o blue called Atlanta (and Savannah).

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yes it does. It is how language changes over time.

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To clarify, by "him" I meant Jones.

And I'm probably being unfair, now that I think about. I'm sure Alabamians, whatever their politics, are not in favor of children being murdered in a church, or anywhere else. So I don't actually think Alabama Republicans would vote against Jones solely because he tried a case against murderous Klansmen. I just don't think it would make them vote for him.

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That is very insightful.

Just to add gasoline on the fire, consider why the judge didn't punish the Stanford rapist that hard. Because of his "future."

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Yes, but this is becoming bigger than the race. Even if he squeaks through the election, people across the country have been watching Republicans and their media mouthpieces tying themselves up defending this guy. It will have wider consequences.

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Besides, blatant economic damage in Alabama is hardly noticed. All relative, you know?

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This!! Maybe we can just say "nucular", "aks" and "you've got another thing coming" too. (I know that last one is already considered proper usage, but it drives me nuts, nonetheless)

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