It's clear the only reason god made Alabama was to put racetracks in (Talla-damn-dega, y'all!!) Otherwise, I don't give a shit if they light the whole place on fire, although it will be awfully smoky over here in GA if they do.

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It couldn't be that Allah did a better job for his followers than Jesus did for his, could it?

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Well, they're a bit behind, what with it only existing since 4004 B.C.

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Ok Alabama dumbfuckery!!!! lets use your reasoning here a bit,God gave man the ability to preform abortions,so abort.God gave man the resources to fuck a horse but that dont mean we should be pony humping

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And Wile E. Coyote and Elmer Fudd.

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Back in the days before talk radio and the internets, you had to go to a southern family reunion to hear this level of reasoning.

I miss those days.

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