Was it passing itself off as a centaur fielder?

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Arthur, not centaur.

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Arthur yourself, she's your wife!

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Again, I'm willing to offer my infallible expertise on all matters connected to abortion and women's health.As a white male in his seventies, with rapidly thinning hair, an emerging paunch, and low testosterone, I feel confident in joining with my male peers like those in the Alabama and Mississippi legislatures who are all-knowing, all-seeing, and just so damned smart anyway.Just ask. I already know the answer.

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I have a friend who teaches in Birmingham, and she is both confused and enraged by what is going on in her state. I felt like an asshole trying to explain to her (hailing from MI by way of MA) that no, the state isn't that great outside her higher education bubble. The kids she teaches may have their heads screwed on straighter, but their parents and grandparents are in charge right now, and they're shit.

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How will states that claim they will not let women go to other states for an abortion do this unless they know which women are pregnant so that the state can keep track of where they go? Maybe they will make pregnant women wear an ankle bracelet to control where they go?It may be satire, but might be a grim reality unless smarter and more compassionate people tell these anti-choice zealots to FO.

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A doctor helps a pregnant woman, but she miscarries. I could see the state investigating the doctor as well as the woman. Any OB or ER doctor should run like hell away from states like Alabama.

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Watch the blissful looks on their faces as they pray for access to righteous chicken for airline passengers. Aren't there more important issues facing Texas?

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It means fewer poor Alabamans. The rich have all the fine maternal care that they can afford.

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That was Pence's legislature. Women sent him their used tampons in a move called "periods for Pence" in an attempt to educate him about women's issues.

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Favorite Koala joke.

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I like mean Robyn.

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No, it takes a certain level of intelligence to perceive satire and most higher forms of humor.

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Save Chik-fil-A from what exactly, not being hate-food?

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Thanks to all you lunatics on Wonkette. If I all I had to listen to or read was the horrors coming from DC and right-wing state legislatures I would stick my head in my faulty oven right now. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from screaming.

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